Boca Chica, Dominican Republic

An eagle's eye view of living in the Dominican Republic from someone who actually lives in the Dominican Republic!

For most people, the thought of moving to a "third world country" is daunting. Where do I live? Is it cheap? Is it safe? What will I eat? What is everyday life like? What if I don't speak the language? How will I get around? What if I get sick? So many questions and not enough answers. Oh, there are plenty of websites out there, but do those people actually live there?

So enters the "Dominican Treasures" blog. We actually live in Boca Chica, Dominican Republic. We walk the streets, shop in the shops, eat the food, and are learning the language. Let us show you what living in the Dominican Republic is REALLY like. That way you'll know for sure if it's for you.

As we go about life here we will be updating our blog with pictures and little stories of our everyday lives. Feel free to leave comments or email us with questions. We'd be more than happy to help in any way.

Anthony , Margaret & Adria Gatto

Thursday 27 December 2007

Our apartment

Here is a picture of our apartment . We are here temporarily and will find a house somewhere soon , I hope. $400 per month , we think its kinda expensive , but the people who own the apartment look out for us , and we have the internet , hot water ( don't laugh not every home has it ) , electricity , and cable tv. I will try to post photos of the owners as soon as i can round them up. I will take better pictures later today.

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